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About Us

Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix is a running and walking club for the LGBT+ community and allies having an interest in health and well-being through staying active and coming together with social events.

Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix has a long and exciting history. We started our club with three runners who came together to run once every two weeks. Since then, we have grown substantially and currently have three running and walking activities every week. We started out in the Phoenix Metropolitan area in 1999.


Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization run by a Board of Directors elected by our Members. We are a member of International Front Runners, a consortium of over one-hundred Frontrunner chapters worldwide. Being an IFR member greatly expands our visibility and gives members access to a global network of gay-identified running organizations. We are also a member of Road Runners Club of America who issues our insurance and provides us with governing and running resources.


The information contained herein is provided by Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix (FRFWP) members and non-members. While FRFWP makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information on this Internet site, FRFWP does not endorse, approve, or certify such information, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, timeliness, or correct sequencing of such information. Use of such information is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, efficacy, and timeliness. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service mark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favor by the Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix.

Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix (including its officers and agents) assumes no responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of the information herein, or from use of the information obtained at linked Internet sites, or in any respect for the content of such information, including (but not limited to) errors or omissions, the accuracy or reasonableness of factual or scientific assumptions, studies or conclusions, the defamatory nature of statements, ownership of copyright or other intellectual property rights, and the violation of property, privacy, or personal rights of others. Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on such information. No guarantees or warranties, including (but not limited to) any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose, are made by Frontrunners & Frontwalkers Phoenix with respect to such information.

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